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Teach Us to Be Satisfied With Thy Steadfast Love

Our Heavenly Father, Our  faithful Master,
Each morning, teach us to be satisfied with your steadfast love.
Your sure, reliable and faithful love.
Each day, teach us to walk by faith and not by sight.
Help us pray with thy Spirit ‘s assuring presence.
Each moment, teach us not to trust ourselves.
But wholly lean on thy faithful promises.
Each hour, while reminding us that we are dust.
Help us to remember, you are the eternal God.
Each situation, teach us whatever it may be
You plan and work all things for your purpose and glory
Each passing year, as we will age and our bodies weary with infirmities,
Your blessed assurance teaching us not to be anxious
Help us to cast all our care to You,
The unchangeable, everlasting and faithful God.